Catherine Vieyra
First of all we want to say Schöne Grüsse and thank you to everyone. We welcome the opportunity to be Chapter NYC Leiterinnen.
We have loved Graz since being students there in 1995-96. The friendships, culture and food that we became close to have remained an important part of our lives.
Emily Vieyra-Haley
We gained the nickname "Die Zwiebeln" from the American and English students there who confused Zwiebeln with Zwillinge. We have been attending the meetings of Chapter NYC since its inception in 2012 with our friends Theresa and Dieter organizing creative and entertaining events for everyone. We hope Theresa and Dieter will remain a huge part of this as we continue on and plan more events. We welcome back returning members and invite new members to join us in our further adventures.
Wir freuen uns herzlich darauf!

Unsere Fragen an Catherine Vieyra
Am meisten vermisse ich an Graz?
Den Schlossberg!
Mein Lieblingslokal in der Stadt ist?
Temmel oder Sorger.
Tee oder Kaffee?
Kaffee, natürlich!
Unsere Fragen an Emily Vieyra-Haley
Am meisten vermisse ich an Graz?
in die Stadt gehen, durch den Jakominiplatz und bummeln am Hauptplatz.
Mein Lieblingslokal in der Stadt ist?
Strudelstube! Leider gibt es sie nicht mehr!
Tee oder Kaffee?
Kaffee natürlich auch! Wie meine Zwillingsschwester!