What are the challenges and benefits of embarking on an international career after your PhD? How do researchers trained in Graz contribute to international academic discourse? Alumni of the University of Graz pursuing international research careers talked with postdoctoral researchers currently working in Graz about these issues and more!
These and other questions were answered by microbiologist Barbara Koch and Katharina Kainz at the first event of our alumni-post.talk series:
alumni post.talks: International Research Careers
What is it like being a PostDoc in Australia?
Molecular biologist Barbara Koch (Melbourne) talks to molecular biologist Katharina Kainz (University of Graz)
Welcome by Vice-Rector for Research and Career Development Joachim Reidl
Molecular biologists Barbara Koch (Melbourne) and Katharina Kainz (Graz) discussed switching from baker’s yeast to candida and from academia to industry.
Watch it if you want to learn about “lab culture” at Monash university, how the Schrödinger stipend can set you up on an international career, how industry employers value the research skills acquired during a postdoc position, how to manage being overqualified but feeling like you don’t know anything at all, how enjoyable it is to observe others doing research and having the funds to order as much supplies as you need, and how to settle in a large city on the other side of the world.
Johanna Stadlbauer (PostDoc Office)
Click here to see the recording.