Alumni Community
The Alumni Community is free of charge and open to all graduates. Our offer to you? Knowledge and information. The most important research news of all faculties, exciting alumni stories, networking events, job offers and career tips - packed in our monthly newsletter. In addition, you will receive a 5% discount on the UNI for LIFE continuing education program (except UNI for LIFE online seminars). This keeps us in touch and you up-to-date.
Career and further education
Do you need tips and tricks on the subject of careers or would you like to further your education? These offers are open to you as part of the alumni community:
Carrer Center of the University of Graz
From application document checks, to the simulation of a job interview, to coaching for your career choice - the Career Center of the University of Graz is there to help you with any concerns regarding your job and career. Find out more about the entire range of services here.
Competencies are not considered finished at some point and knowledge is not saturated at some point, change and further development determine our lives. UNI for LIFE, as the further education institution of the University of Graz, creates new ground for future career paths and success stories and satisfies your appetite for knowledge with a multifaceted offer. As a member of the Alumni Community you will receive a 5% discount on the UNI for LIFE continuing education program (except UNI for LIFE Online Seminars). You can find an overview of all continuing education opportunities here.
Even more continuing education opportunities:
The Center for Society, Knowledge and Communication - "the 7th faculty" - has set itself the goal of making scientific subject areas more transparent and communicating science and research in a simple and understandable way.
The Vita activa of the University of Graz is an educational offer for adults of all ages. The offers reflect the diversity of university research and learning and are implemented in the form of lectures, lecture series, workshops, summer universities or semester courses.
The coordination office offers a variety of continuing education courses on the topics of "Equal Opportunities for Women and Men" and "Career Advancement for Women Scientists". The topics range from gender mainstreaming to university didactics and intercultural competence for female scientists.
In order to meet the increasing internationalization, the Language Center of the University of Graz specifically prepares students for their future fields of activity. Selected courses are also open to external participants.
The educational offer is aimed at adults of all generations who are interested in science; who are looking for opportunities to deal intensively with research questions as laypersons, especially also in intergenerational learning settings; who are not otherwise in contact with university education due to their education, background or social position.
The courses offered by the Center for Social Competence are available not only to students but also to those interested in continuing education and include seminars in the areas of communication, conflict resolution, group dynamics, project management, team leadership, etc. External participants are charged a fee according to the scope of the course.