Campus map
A lot has changed since you were last on campus? See where to register for Alumni Day, where the Alumni Lecture Hall is located, or the fastest way to get to your faculty's lecture hall.
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Strengthened by the Alumni Day
As we know, a full belly does not like to study. In the course of the Alumni Day, however, no one should become "hangry". Especially at the end we may invite you to a festive buffet.
We invite you
- From 3:30 to 4 p.m. to refreshments and pretzels in the UB foyer
- At 6:15 p.m. to the closing buffet in the auditorium (please bring your ticket)
Additional drinks & snacks are available on a self-pay basis here:
- Libresso - coffee house in the main building, Universitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz
- At the catering establishments adjacent to the campus
- At numerous vending machines on campus, which are filled with regional products