Inter.Reading Book Club: WatchParty Mitzi Bearclaw

17:00 - 19:00
Inter.Reading Book Club
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Join the Inter.Reading Book Club for a WatchParty of The Incredible 15th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw, organized by the Center for Inter-American Studies (C.IAS), the Austro-American Society for Styria (ÖAG), and alumni UNI graz!

In the context of our book club´s topic this term, Native American Literature, we will watch and discuss this wonderful movie together:

Mitzi Bearclaw, of First Nations heritage, has just turned twenty-five, she having grand plans for this milestone year in her current home of Toronto, wanting to design hats that will change the world, and spending time with her boyfriend, Ringo Leaves-No-Shadow, a student and budding photographer. Instead, she reluctantly heads home to her reserve on remote Owl Island on the request of her father, William Bearclaw, to help him look after her mother, Annabelle Bearclaw, who Mitzi assumes is on her deathbed. While Mitzi has always gotten along with her father, the same cannot be said about her mother, an angry, bitter woman. The one person who has always been able to have a calming affect on Annabelle is Mitzi's cousin, Charlie Bearclaw - everyone calling him Charlie B. in homage to all his idols with a surname that begins with the letter such as Baudelaire - a born storyteller who wants to become a teacher, but who spends much time in the hospital with his own chronic health problems....

WHEN: April 28th, 5pm
WHERE: online

Registration: to join, sign up with dagmar.wallenstorfer(at)